Politicial Cartoon of the Week(end)
Greetings, folks! I know it's been a while since I was away from the blog desk! I've been meaning to post my updates here but I was so busy with work and recently I came down with a cold. I'm feeling OK, now. (Ah...ah...ah-choo!) Excuse me while I fetch a Kleenex...
I ran into some technical problems when I tried to update this blogsite and lost the links. Please be patient as I restore the links and make some changes in the site. It'll look better!
While I work to update this blogsite,here's the cartoon of the weekend for your amusement - this time related to the controversy over VRI at Beth Israel Hospital. If any of you folks missed the news, here's the link to Joseph Rainmound's article, http://surdus.blogspot.com/2007/01/394-vri-at-beth-israel-plot-thickens.html and another link to Ridor's story of his experience with VRI, http://www.ridorlive.com/?p=1867.
Having just been in the hospital twice last November 2006, I can relate to the questionability of use of VRI in emergency cases. When I had a minor heart attack, I went under a brain fog. According to my friends who brought me to the hospital, I was not entirely coherent. It was quite a traumatic experience and I doubt VRI would help an individual in a case with an experience like mine. A live interpreter, in my opinion, would be the best for this type of situation to help the patient deal with the crisis of the moment. Now what if the patient is deaf and blind? How would VRI help this patient? Hence why I created this cartoon...:-)
Asides from this, I have more new comic strips in work! Coming up soon:
1. DeafRead Best 2006 Cartoon Blog Award (Thank You / Acknowledgement)
2. American ASL II
3. MSSD/Gallaudet story
Plus more! It'll be worth your wait! :-D