Tuesday, March 23, 2010

German Deaf Comics

English translation provided by D. McClintock, editor.

Correction note: In my post "Polish Deaf Comics" I made an error of saying Luzka Szoz-Ciechaka was CODA. Let me clarify that she is deaf. My apology for a misunderstanding of Polish (how embarassing!). I have just corrected my post "Polish Deaf Comics."

Greetings, folks! I'd like to introduce two German deaf cartoonists, Paul Dinkel and Lucas Kollien. Their artworks can be found at http://www.taubenschlag.de/Karikaturen. Taubenschlag.de is a popular German deaf website.

Paul Dinkel

Paul Dinkel is one of two well-known deaf German cartoonists. He was born on January 9, 1961 as the first of 3 children in Haßfurt.  His  parents, Karl and Klara, are deaf. From 1967 to 1976 he attended a school for the deaf in Wuerzburg and received a Quali-Abschluß (certificate of qualifications) there.
He trained as a toolmaker from 1976 to 1980 at a company called VDM. Later he continued his training at a vocational rehabilitation center for the hearing impaired in Nuremberg. After his associating examination he was placed at a company named Allmilmö Furniture Work as a machine worker.

His interest in art education began when he was young. He received good marks for his work and it was when he thought of becoming a painter, a restorer or the like. Because of his weak German at that time he was not able to go to the hearing part-time vocational school. He occupied himself nonetheless with studies in art. He learned how to paint oil and painted numerous pictures - mostly in colored pencils - particularly in natural landscapes and female shapes. When someone asked him in the year 1986 whether he was ready to draw the sign language textbooks by  the publisher the district federation of the Deaf Lower Franconia, he readily obliged. He illustrated 2 volumes of the books. Later he worked with other fellow draftsmen in Munich doing illustrations for the sign language textbooks.
In the meantime he developed an interest in cartooning drawing and would eagerly draw comic strips out of fun. Feeling more confident of himself, he decided to market his comic strips. Sometimes h was asked to draw "the merry pictures" for his friends or other people. In March 2001 he went to a community college in Darmstadt to study as a Diplom-Karikaturist (master caricaturist) and Comiczeichner (comic book artist) Darmstadt. After one year of studies he successfully completed his thesis with excellent marks.
In the year 2004 Paul Dinkel sold his first book, Das Buch der besten Gehörlosenwitze (the book of the best deaf jokes). He sold 500 copies.

Paul Dinkel is married to his friend Petra (since 1991) and they have a hearing son, who was born in 1993.
Among his hobbies are soccer and chess.

For inquiries or more information on the books he is selling, go to his website:


"Nooo...I certainly do not have money...he...just look...
he has C.I.!" (cochlear implant)

"We believe...their son is not mentally normal."

"It's a bummer...I have to prepare for amputation of my hands...
that's why I'm using toespells..."

And this one I like...(Pablo Picasso is one of my favorite artists, my Chilean side of my family goes all the way back to Spain, and "Picasso" happens to be my frat nickname.) - D.

"Hello, my friend, Monsieur Picasso...I have a deaf patient here
that I think would be of interest to you..."

Lucas Kollien

Another of two famous deaf cartoonists in Germany, he became an artist at age 3. He discovered his graphic talent at "the desk of his parents, where papers, ball-point pens, lead and felt-tip pens lay about everywhere." He has put out a book of cartoons with another deaf artist named Rudolph Werner. (It is not clear what title is. The editor has not yet received a response after he emailed Mr. Kollien.) 

(This is DST allright!...editor)

"Hello, I Dummy!" "...and I dummy interpreter!"

Got comics or cartoon you'd like to share or you would like me to review?
Email Dan at deafcartoon@gmail.com!

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The World of Deaf Humor

I found this webpage that I thought you'd find interesting! Samples of deaf cartoons around the world.


ASOCH Thanks Volunteers

Letter by Assocation of the Deaf of Chile (English translation provided below)

Estimados amigos y amigas

Ante la presencia de mas de 100 socios de la Asociación de Sordos de Chile, el presidente Nelson Weitzel hizo entrega en una simple y emotiva ceremonia de la “Medalla al Mérito” a los 8 integrantes de la “Caravana Solidaria Fuerza Sordos”, esta medalla, es un reconocimiento mínimo a estos jovenes que portergaron sus familias, sus estudios, sus trabajos por ir en ayuda a sus semenjantes, donde comieron mal y durmieron peor incluso fueron victimas de robo, pero el objetivo con mucho orgullo se logro, durante el evento se mostraron fotografías de las actividades realizadas de ayuda en el sur, también contaron sus experiencias y algunas muy conmovedoras, y solo por nombrar algunas les cuento:

a) Situación de sordo con discapacidad física, postrado hace diez años en cama por no tener silla de ruedas, además años atrás se cayó y se quebró la dentadura.

b) Sordo duerme en su pequeño automóvil porque maremoto se llevo su casa.

c) Señorita sorda de Dichato (único sordo de Dichato) quien sueña con ir a la educación superior pero no tiene apoyo ni orientación necesaria para postular a un proyecto que le financie interprete.

d) Se asistió también a la familia de un niño con Síndrome de Down
Todo esto y mucho más sin contar con las desgracias materiales en la que perdieron todas sus pertenencias.

Estos antecedentes fueron puesto a disposición de SENADIS para que se haga parte y de las instrucciones necesarias para asistencia y coordinación con las Municipalidades para que sus asistentes sociales y representantes del SENADIS regional se preocupen de asistir y entregar los recursos necesarios, como sillas de rueda, transporte y asistencia dental, orientación para postulación proyectos, etc. etc.

El SENADIS quien formo comité de emergencias esta muy agradecido por la información suministrada (catastro de las Personas Sordas de la Región, quienes son, donde están, que necesitan, etc.).

Estamos aun a la espera del “informe oficial y final” de esta caravana para darlo a conocer, se entregara también la información a la D.O.S. quienes están muy comprometidos y preocupados por las Personas con Discapacidad.

Por otra parte la Asociación de Sordos de Chile seguirá con su campaña de sensibilización para el logro de interpretes y subtitulados en TV. “Lengua de Señas Cuestión de Derechos”, queremos aclarar puesto que han llegado algunas cartas diciendo que hay que darle tiempo al Presidente Sebastian Piñera, primero la Asociación de Sordos de Chile es apolítica, no estamos contra los gobiernos, al contrario, los gobiernos son nuestros aliados y apoyo, segundo, el Gobierno de la Presidenta Bachelet firmo y ratifico la Convención por los Derechos Humanos de las Personas con Discapacidad y la Ley 20.422, Normas de Inclusión y Accesibilidad para las Personas con Discapacidad, ahora el Gobierno del presidente Sebastian Piñera será el encargado de hacerla cumplir, pero es responsabilidad de las Organizaciones de Discapacidad hacerse participe y decir estamos presentes, la campaña esta enfocada a la opinión publica y canales de TV, para su toma conciencia y reacción positiva.

Volviendo al tema de la “Solidaridad”, estamos a la espera que se reúnan las organizaciones que impulsaron la “Caravana Solidaria” (CAISO, UNIVERSO, CRESOR, ACHIELS y ASOCH), para determinar los pasos a seguir, en nuestra institución tenemos una sala llena de ropa y alimentos no perecibles que han llegado después de haber salido la caravana, es esta a disposición de los organizadores para hacerla llegar al sur, quienes dejaron una red y la ayuda puede ser enviada a las sedes de sordos del sur y distribuido por ellos mismos.

Un cordial saludos y muchas gracias

Gustavo Vergara

Secretario General
Asociacion de Sordos de Chile
Ayuda Solidaria Sordos del Sur
Banco Estado de Chile - http://www.bancoestado.cl/
Código Swift Banco BECHCLRM (para depositos internacionales)
Código Sucursal Plaza Egaña: 345
Sucursal Banco: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago
Numero de Cuenta: 00102385813
Beneficiario: Asociación de Sordomudos de Chile
RUT: 82.658.100-K
Dirección: Avenida José Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile
Mail: asoch.chile@gmail.com

Dear friends,

In the presence of 100 members of the Association of the Deaf of Chile, President Nelson Weitzel delivered medals in a simple one and touching ceremony of the “Medal to the Merit” to 8 members of the “Caravana Solidaria Fuerza Sordos”. This medal is a minimum recognition of these young people who sacrificed their time with their families, their studies, their work to go to help fellow human beings, where they ate bad and  slept badly.  Even (more unfortunate off) were robbery victims. But the objective is more (restoring) pride than (seeking or gaining) profits. During the event photographies were taken of the activities of relief in the South.  Also they related (for the audience) their experiences and some (stories are) very stirring. To name a few stories:
  • a) Situation of deaf person with physical incapacity, bed-bound for ten years without access to a wheelchair, in addition years back he fell and his set of teeth became broken.
  • b) Deaf person who lives in his small car because his house was run down by a tidal wave.
  • c) Deaf young lady of Dichato (unique deaf person of Dichato) who dreams about going to an university but does not have support nor direction necessary to postulate to a project that finances interpreting.
  • d) She also assisted the family of a boy with Syndrome of Down All this and much more without counting on the material misfortunes in which they lost all properties.
These antecedents (backgrounds) were put at the disposal of SENADIS so that it is part and of the necessary instructions for attendance and coordination with the Municipalities so that their social and representing assistants of the regional SENADIS attend to their concerns and to give the necessary resources, like wheelchairs, transportations and dental care, direction for projects that are under petition, etc. etc. SENADIS, a committee of emergencies that I formed is thankful for information provided (registry of the deaf people of the region, who are, where they are, that needs, etc.).

We are hoping to present the "final official report" on behalf of this caravan. The information to the DOS that we are anxious and worried about the People with Disability would also be given .

On the other hand, the Association of the Deaf of Chile will follow through with its campaign of awareness for the benefits of interpreters and captions on TV. “Language of Signs  - Question of Rights". We want to clarify since some letters have arrived saying that there is to give time to President Sebastian Piñera (that) first, the Association of the Deaf of Chile is nonpolitical - we are not against the governments - on the contrary, the governments are our allies and support. Second, the Government of President Bachelet signed and ratified the Convention by the Human rights of the People with Disability and Law 20,422, Norms of Inclusion and Accessibility for the People with Disability. Now the Government of President Sebastian Piñera will be the one in charge to fulfill it, but it is responsibility of the Organizations of (People with) Disability to participate and to say we are present. This campaign is focused to the public opinion and TV channels, for its taking positive feedback brings awareness. Returning to the subject of “Solidarity”, we are hoping the organizations who drove the “Caravan Solidarity” (CAISO, UNIVERSE, CRESOR, ACHIELS and ASOCH) will meet to determine the steps to follow. In our institution we have a full room of clothes and nonperishable food that have arrived after the caravan left. It is at the disposal of the organizers to deliver (the relief package) to the south, who left a network and the aid can be sent to relieve the deaf people of the south and distributed among themselves.

Warm greetings and thank you very much.

Gustavo Vergara
Secretary General
Association of the Deaf of Chile
Aid Solidarity for the Deaf of the South
State Bank of Chile - http://www.bancoestado.cl/
Swift Bank Code: BECHCLRM (for international deposits)
Branch Bank Code: 345
Branch Bank: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago
Account Number: 00102385813
Beneficiary: Asociación de Sordomudos de Chile
RUT: 82.658.100-
Address: Avenida José Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile
Email: asoch.chile@gmail.com

Translation by D. McClintock - disclaimer: I translated this to my best of understanding of Spanish. If you see any error or correction that needs to be made, let me know. Gracias.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Polish Deaf Comics

Hola, readers! I would like to introduce Luska Gosia Szok-Ciechacka, Polish deaf cartoonist. She lives in Toruń, Brodnica, which is located in northern Poland. She describes herself as having "black hair and curls", likes to joke, dislikes designer clothes, and may not be a "famous millionaire" but certainly a "crazy artist."  "I draw comics with passion, and sometimes I paint some pictures", comments Luska in her bio. Among crazy things she does is driving up the wall on a motorcycle and screaming from the top: "O, mój Boże!" (Oh, my God!"). Some of her comic strips are based on her growing up as a deaf person. "I live in the World of Silence, speech, and the Polish sign language," explains Luska on her blog, http://www.szok-art.blogspot.com/. According to data provided by the Polish Association of the Deaf  (http://www.eud.eu/Poland-i-195.html) it is estimated there are about 100,000 hearing-impaired people in Poland and about half of them (500,000) use Polish Sign Language (PJM). Luska has kindly provided some of her best works that are translated in English for your enjoyment.

If you have a comic strip or cartoon you would like to share
or you would like me to review, email Dan at deafcartoon@gmail.com. Thank you!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

VRS vs VRS Part II

The competition gets fiercer!

Monday, March 15, 2010

MADeaf Presents VRS vs. VRS

A new political comic strip! Pah!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Support Deaf Chile's Fight for Equal Access

Folks, amigos y amigas, I came across this link and thought I'd share with you all. Enclosed in the letter that Gracias VRS received is a list of senators and representatives in Chile you can email to support our deaf Chilean friends' rights to captions and sign language interpreters on emergency broadcast news. ¡El sordos del mundo, unamos! Deaf of the world, unite!


- Dan McClintock, great-grandson of Chilean Senator Luis Anibal Barrios Ugalde

Muy gracias to Gracias VRS!
illustration done by self (on Paint...not a terrific program but hey, I'm between places! You'll see new cartoons and illustrations coming up soon in the near future from me!)

Friday, March 12, 2010

Letter by World Federation of the Deaf


March 12, 2010 - www.wfdeaf.org

(in English and Spanish - you may print this out and circulate or forward in an email - this will be soon posted on WFD's website)

Association of the Deaf People of Chile, ASOCH, is providing aid to support relief efforts of Deaf people in the most affected regions in Chile together with the WFD Regional Secretariat of South America after the devastating earthquake. According to ASOCH, no deaf death victims have been located so far, but there is an urgent need to supply aid and emergency relief to those victims who have been severely affected by the earthquake.

World Federation of the Deaf is deeply concerned that Deaf people are easily forgotten in emergency situations. After the earthquake, WFD was informed that there was serious lack of information provided in sign language in Chile. Deaf people must receive emergency relief whereas everyone else, but also Deaf people’s right to receive information in sign language in emergency situations must be specifically protected by authorities. Otherwise, Deaf people have no access to information, which results to isolation without knowing what is happening in immediate society or how to look for help nor having opportunity to protect for example from aftershocks or other consequences. World Federation of the Deaf has supported ASOCH’s efforts by sending a letter to the President of Chile to address the Government to better guarantee access to sign language information by authorities and public television also during emergencies.

In addition, World Federation of the Deaf pleads international donor agencies that provide international assistance not to forget Deaf people and people with disabilities from emergency relief and reconstruction efforts.

World Federation of the Deaf expresses its deepest sympathies to all Chileans and especially those families that have been affected by the massive earthquake which caused many deaths and other extensive damage. World Federation of the Deaf wishes strength and courage to reconstruction, which hopefully results to prompt recovery.

Association of the Deaf People of Chile, ASOCH, has created an account to help families of Deaf people who need help. To support Chilean Deaf victims, please make your donations directly to ASOCH account.

In English:

Shared in common aid Deaf of the South

Banco Estado de Chile

Swift code Bank BECHCLRM (for international deposits)

Branch Code Egaña Place: 345

Branch Bank: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago

number of Account: 00102385813

Beneficiary: Asociacion de Sordomudos de Chile

RUT: 82.658.100-K

Address: Jose Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile

En Espagnol:

Ayuda Solidaria Sordos del Sur

Banco Estado de Chile

Código Swift Banco BECHCLRM (para depositos internacionales)

Código Sucursal Plaza Egaña: 345

Sucursal Banco: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago

Numero de Cuenta: 00102385813

Beneficiario: Asociación de Sordomudos de Chile

RUT: 82.658.100-K Dirección: José Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile

Read more about efforts to help Chilean Deaf people:

Efforts to help Chilean Deaf people

by Alexeis V. Estibill, Director of WFD Regional Secretariat for South America

To the 03:35 of the dawn of Saturday 27 of February, the center - South of Chile it was whipped by the fifth earthquake but hard of the world degree 8.8 it scales Reitch, followed by tsunami, that destroyed towns and whole cities, the following days were of chaos and terror, without energy, water, without combustible foods nor, I exercise and the rescatistas arrive at giving aid, the young people get ready like volunteers to the Red Cross, to greenspace, organizations of the Catholic church to take to foods and water, the TV channels initiate a aid campaign and many countries send field hospitals, humanitarian aid, and volunteers, have taken place but of 200 replicas of the earthquake some 6,9 degree 7,2 and Reitch scale.

Sunday 28 of February the community of deaf people I organize myself to join humanitarian aid for the deaf people of that region, all the week made preparations and it was a caravan of two cars and a truck of foods and water, has crossed 8 towns totally destroyed and they even follow in land, has but of 10 houses of destroyed deaf people 100%, but of 16 houses with serious damages, luckily there are no died deaf people, this caravan this composing by 7 deaf people and 1 interprets, with them also travels the Director of the South American Secretary of Deaf people of the WFD, Alexeis V. Estibill.


Shared in common aid Deaf of the South

Bank Been of Chile

Swift code Bank BECHCLRM (for international deposits)

Branch Code Egaña Place: 345

Branch Bank: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago

number of Account: 00102385813

Beneficiary: Asociacion de Sordomudos of Chile

RUT: 82.658.100-K

Address: Jose Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile

For further information: www.asoch.cl

A las 03:35 de la madrugada del sabado 27 de febrero, el centro – sur de Chile fue azotado por el quinto terremoto mas fuerte del mundo grado 8,8 escala Reitch, seguido por un tsunami, que destruyo pueblos y ciudades enteras, los dias siguientes fueron de caos y terror, sin energia, sin agua, sin alimentos ni combustibles, el ejercito y los rescatistas llegan a prestar ayuda, los jovenes se alistan como voluntarios en la cruz roja, a greenspace, a organizaciones de la iglesia catolica para llevar alimentos y agua, los canales de TV inician una campaña de ayuda y muchos paises envian hospitales de campaña, ayuda humanitaria, y voluntarios, se han producido mas de 200 replicas del terremoto algunas grado 6,9 y 7,2 escala Reitch.

El domingo 28 de febrero la comunidad de sordos se organizo para juntar ayuda humanitaria para los sordos de esa region, toda la semana hicieron preparativos y partio una caravana de dos automoviles y un camion de alimentos y agua, han recorrido 8 pueblos totalmente destruido y aun siguen en terreno, hay mas de 10 casas de sordos 100% destruidas, mas de 16 casas con graves daños, afortunadamente no hay sordos muertos, esta caravana esta compuesta por 7 sordos y 1 interprete, con ellos viaja tambien el Director de la Secretaria Sudamericana de Sordos de la WFD, Alexeis V. Estibill.


Ayuda Solidaria Sordos del Sur

Banco Estado de Chile

Código Swift Banco BECHCLRM (para depositos internacionales)

Código Sucursal Plaza Egaña: 345

Sucursal Banco: Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago

Numero de Cuenta: 00102385813

Beneficiario: Asociación de Sordomudos de Chile

RUT: 82.658.100-K

Dirección: José Pedro Alessandri 1251, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Chile


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Three strong earthquakes hit Chile

The U.S. Geological Survey reported three strong earthquakes just hit Chile today. The first earthquake that hit this morning measured a 6.9-magnitude. The second earthquake came 16 minutes later and it measured 6.7. A third came 27 minutes later and measured at 6.0.

I got this just from Gustavo Vergara, who reported the same thing: El Servicio de Geología corrigió las magnitudes de las recientes réplicas. De acuerdo con la última información entregada, la más fuerte, registrada a las 11.39 horas fue de 6,9 en la escala de Richter, mientras que la segunda y la tercera fueron de 6,7 y 6,0 a las 11.55 y 12.06 respectivamente.

All this happened when Chile received its new President today, Sebastian Piñera. The newly elected President promised changes in the country's emergency system and continuing the relief efforts that were started under the previous administration of outgoing President Michelle Bachelet. Let's see if Piñera will think of the deaf Chilean community and ensure that equal access - captions and sign language interpreters - will be provided on TV. I will keep you updated on the progress of this issue in Chile.

ASOCH recently, finally updated its website. You may now view it at http://www.asoch.cl/. Keep your donations coming! Let's pray that all our deaf friends in Chile are safe and allright! Viva Chile ! Viva Sordos!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Fuerza Sordos"

Letter by ASOCH
(English translation provided below)

Estimados Amigos y Amigas

Como muchos de Ustedes saben hay una caravana solidaria de sordos "Fuerza Sordos", entregando ayuda a las familias de personas sordas del sur.

Dia a dia envian reportes y algunas fotos, han recorrido muchas ciudades, Rancagua, Curico, Talca, Chillan, Parral, Hualpen, Coronel, Lota, Tome, Talcahuano, Concepcion. Han descansado en casas de sordos, colegios, regimientos o donde los pille el toque de queda. Han tenido vivir las replicas algunas noches incluso cada 15 minutos. Han visto mucha destruccion y sufimiento, hay confirmado 10 casas de sordos totalmente destruidas, 16 casas de sordos con graves daños (aun falta catastro de concepcion), una de los peores problemas es la falta de agua en talcahuano, donde encontraron sordos con varios dias sin tomar agua, ni comer, el olor es insoportable.

Queridos amigos no podemos descansar mientras exista este sufimiento, en Santiago y hacia el norte las cosas se han normalizado veo los mall con gente comprando tranquilamente, no olvidemos a los que sufren.

Seguiremos recibiendo ayuda, alimentos, articulos de aseo personal, agua, pañales, toallas higienicas, pasta de dientes, cepillos, remedios, mascarillas, medicinas. etc etc

La Asociacion de Sordos de Chile ha abierto una cuenta de ayuda exclusivamente para los sordos damnificados del sur, esperamos vuestro aporte, muchas gracias.

Dear friends,

As many of you may already know, La Caravana Solidaria "Fuerza Sordos" (The Solidarity Group "the Deaf People Force") was created to give aid to the families of deaf people of the south. Day to day they send reports and some photos, have crossed many cities, Rancagua, Curico, Talca, Scream, Parral, Hualpen, Colonel, Burbot, Takes, Talcahuano, Conception. They have rested in houses of deaf people, schools, evacuation centers or where they could find accommodation for the time being. Every 15 minutes some deaf people have had to relive the repeat of some nights. They have seen much destruction and suffering. It was confirmed that 10 houses of deaf people were totally destroyed, 16 houses of other deaf people are seriously damaged (Concepcion lacks an office of land registry). One of the worse problems is the lack of water in Talcahuano, where they found deaf people who were hungry and dehydrated for several days without water nor food to eat. The scent (from the destruction caused by the tsunami) is unbearable. Beloved friends, we cannot rest while this suffering exists. In Santiago and around in the north things have been normalized. I see malls filled with people buying calmly. Let's not forget those who are suffering. We will continue to seek aid, food, articles of personal cleanliness, water, diapers, hygienic towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, remedies, masks, medicines. etc etc. ASOCH has opened an account of aid exclusively for the deaf earthquake victims of the south. We wait for your contribution. Thank you very much.

Saludos Cordiales

Gustavo Vergara
Secretario General

Editor's note: the bank account and full addresses are provided in the previous post.

Bank Account Opened for Donations to ASOCH

Here is the following information I received from ASOCH on where you can wire or mail your donation to:

Banco Estado de Chile (State Bank of Chile) - http://www.bancoestado.cl/
Código Swift Banco (swift bank code): BECHCLRM

Código Sucursal Plaza Egaña (branch bank code): 345

Dirección Sucursal Banco (branch bank address): Irarrazabal 5544, Ñuñoa, Santiago

Numero de Cuenta (account number): 00102385813

Beneficiario: Asociación de Sordomudos de Chile

Again, muchas gracias!

Letter by ACHIELS

Letter by Agrupacion Chilena de Instructores e Interpretes del Lenguaje de Señas (ACHIELS):
(English translation provided below - see disclaimer in previous post)

Directiva ASOCH


Reciba nuestros cordiales palabras de aliento en estos momentos de profundo dolor que atraviesan nuestros compatriotas quienes han sido afectados por el reciente terremoto los cuales generó perdidas humanas y materiales.
El domingo 7 de marzo el Centro Cultural Peruano Chileno Chabuca y Violeta organizó su Campeonato de Marinera promovió que los asistentes al evento traigan alimentos no perecibles para ser donados a la comunidad de personas sordas que viven en la zona sur del país quienes requieren ayuda puntual, esta gestión fue realizada por la Señora Gloria Pinto estudiante de lengua de señas del profesor Christian Muñoz actualmente Presidente, ese día se recolectó alimentos no perecibles así como también camas de madera, poleras, toallas, zapatos y zapatillas de inmediato Melitón Bustinza Secretario llamo a Andrea González directora Central ambos de ACHIELS para que algún miembro de la ASOCH pueda ayudar en un auto o furgón para trasladar las ayudas recibidas por la comunidad peruana en Chile, el Señor Gustavo Vergara fue el contacto y vinieron en un auto y furgón dos personas voluntarias para poder llevar los alimentos hasta la sede de la ASOCH los cuales deberán ser distribuidos a las personas sordas que viven en las zona de catástrofes.
Esperamos haber contribuido con un granito de arena y que la ayuda sea destinada en forma oportuna para aquellos que han perdido todo.

Christian Muñoz
Presidente ACHIELS

Andrea Gonzalez
Directora Central

Meliton Bustinza
Secretario General
Gentlemen, directors of ASOCH,  

We offer our deep sorrows for our compatriots who have been affected by the recent earthquake in which human lives and things are lost. On Sunday, March 7, the Cultural Center Peruvian-Chilean Chabuca and Violeta organized its Sailors Championship where people could bring non-perishable food to be donated to the community of deaf people who live in the southern zone of the country who are in need. This action was directed by Mrs.Gloria Pinto, sign language student of Professor Christian Muñoz (at the moment President) who that day collected nonperishable food as well as wood beds, poleras (? - pollera, I think, skirt - ed.), towels, shoes and slippers. Melitón Bustinza, Secretary, immediately called Andrea González, Central director of ACHIELS, so that some ASOCH members can help in car or van trips to transfer the aid from the Peruvian community in Chile. Mr. Gustavo Vergara was the contact and came in a car and van with two volunteers so they could take the food to the headquarters of ASOCH, where it will be distributed to the deaf people who live in the zone of catastrophes. We hope to have contributed with a "grain of sand" and that the aid will reach in a perfect form those people who lost everything.


Christian Muñoz
President, ACHIELS
Andrea Gonzalez Director Central
Meliton Bustinza Secretaey General

Editor's note: The Spanish phrase "granito de arena" is difficult to translate into English...basicially it means "here is my contribution that I hope will help, however small it may seem।" It is like the English idiom "my widow's mite." If someone in a Hispanic country tells you to "poner tu granito de arena", it means "do your part" or help out a charity or people in need.

Monday, March 08, 2010

ASOCH Thanks the Peruvian Deaf

(English translation provided below)

From Gustavo Vergara, Secretary General of ASOCH:

Estimados amigos y amigas

La comunidad cultural Peruana envio ayuda para los sordos de la region del Maule y Bio Bio la que fue entregada en la ASOCH, agradecemos la intervencion de Cristian Muñoz y Meliton Buztinza, de ACHIELS. Se adjunta carta y fotografias enviadas por ello.

Por otra parte les informo que Andrea Perez a estado informando dia a dia los acontecimientos y vivencias que ha enfrentado la Caravana Solidaria "Fuerza Sordos" quienes recorrieron Curico, Talca y alrededores, continuaran a Chillan y Concepcion, mañana enviaremos textos y fotos, de dichos acontecimientos.

Este sabado seguiremos juntando ayuda en la ASOCH, por favor traer articulos de aseo personal, (pasta de dientes, cepillos de dientes, jabon, confort, toallas higienicas, pañales, etc etc)

saludos cordiales,

Gustavo Vergara

Secretario General


Dear friends,

The Peruvian cultural community sent shipment of aid for the deaf people of the the Maule and Bio Bio region in care of ASOCH. We are thankful for the intervention of Cristian Muñoz and Meliton Buztinza of ACHIELS. Enclosed are letters and photographs for this reason. Asides from this, I inform you that Andrea Perez has informed the state day to day of the events and experiences that the Solidarity coalition "Fuerza Sordos" faced. (The coalition) crossed Curico, Talca and the local areas. They continued on to Chillan and Conception. Tomorrow we will send texts and photos of these events. This Saturday we will continue organizing aid in care of ASOCH. Please bring articles of personal cleanliness(toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, comfort, hygienic towels, diapers, etc etc).

cordial salutes,

Gustavo Vergara



disclaimer: the editor translated this letter into English to the best of his understanding of Spanish. Alta-Vista's translation engine is not great for translating your letter in different languages, fyi - example: for some reason, Alta-Vista translates the word pasta de dientes as "it grates teeth." Weird...:D

Comment by editor: let's give handwaves for the Peruvian deaf community and Cristian Munoz and Meliton Buztinza of ACHIELS for helping other deaf people in time of crisis!

Friday, March 05, 2010






Asociación de Los Sordos de Chile
Avenida Jose Pedro Alessandri (ex Macul) Nro. 1251
Ñuñoa de Santiago de Chile

Muchos gracias for your support!

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

More videos on earthquake and the deaf in Chile


Terremoto en Chile (Earthquake in Chile)

YouTube video interpreted in Argentine sign language (LSA) with Spanish subtitles.


A summary of what's going on in Chile

I am still developing a story based on news and information I am receiving from Chile. Following is a summary of new developments that I received so far:

1. The school for the deaf in Santiago, la escuela Dr. Jorge Otto, suffered only minor damages and the schoolchildren are fine. Only the dividing wall in the patio was damaged and is being currently repaired. The house of only one girl's family was damaged and made unhabitable. The school is conducting a campaign to help this girl's family. A group of professors visited the family recently and offered to put them up in a lodge for the time being.

2. ASOCH, other organizations, schools for the deaf and deaf community leaders are now organizing campaigns around the country to assist deaf people in need.

3. Many deaf Chileans, according to Mr. Vergara, are upset over the lack of sign language interpreters and captions on emergency broadcast news on Chilean television. The deaf Chilean community has presented complaints to the Chilean government, which promised action on this concern.

4. A group of community leaders, interpreters and volunteers will be going today to the Maule and Bio Bio Region, which was badly hit by the earthquake and the tsunami, to bring food aid and other necessary items for the deaf communities.

5. 8 hospitals were destroyed around the country. Patients had to be evacuated to safer places.

Stay tuned for more news.

Update: I would like to add here that there has been widespread looting through the country and as a result the group going to the Maule and Bio Bio requested the protection of security forces. Americans desiring to visit Chile during this time are advised to check first with the State Department for precautions.

Urgent Letter by ASOCH

Here is a copy of a letter I got from ASOCH. You can circulate this. We will keep you posted on further developments. Thank you.

(English translation below)

Estimados socios y amigos de ASOCH,

Agradeceriamos a Uds. este Sabado 06 de Marzo llevar 1 kilo de alimento no perecible (arroz, azucar, fideos, porotos, lentejas, garbanzos, sopas, aceite, etc.etc.) para enviar ayuda a los sordos de Concepcion, Talcahuano y otros lugares del sur.

(favor difundir)

Muchas Gracias

Gustavo Vergara
Secretario General

Dear partners and friends of ASOCH,

We would be grateful if you would come this Saturday, March 6, and bring 1 kilo of nonperishable food (rice, sugar, vermicelli, porotos (beans), lentils, chick-peas, soups, oil, etc.) to aid the deaf people of Conception, Talcahuano and other places of the south.

Thank you very much.

Gustavo Vergara
Secretary General

(favor to spread)

Note by editor: An address for sending your donations will be made available soon.
Nota por el redactor: una dirección para enviar sus donaciones será hecha disponible pronto.
Update: during the Internet search I found what is the full address that I was looking for. I was not familiar with the order of address in Chile. I am not sure if this is still effective in time of the emergency but I will confirm with ASOCH when the group comes back from the Bio Bio region. Here it is:
Asociación de Los Sordos de Chile
Avenida Jose Pedro Alessandri (ex Macul) Nro. 1251
Ñuñoa de Santiago de Chile

Sin Palabras (Without Words)

Gustavo Vergara of ASOCH just sent me this link to a photo gallery that gives you an idea of the extent of destruction the earthquake and the tsunami caused.

Gustavo Vergara de ASOCH acaba de enviarme un enlace a una galería de fotos que demuestra que el grado de la destrucción el terremoto y el tsunami causó.


Tuesday, March 02, 2010


Greetings, fellow Americans. I know it has been nearly three years since my last post here. I had taken a hiatus from my blogging for health and personal reasons. I am doing much better, thank you to my friends. I have now urgent news to share with you. Recently I am in contact with the Association of the Deaf of Chile (called Asociación de los Sordos de Chile - ASOCH for short), which informed me of the needs of the deaf communities in southern Chile. As most of you are already aware, a powerful 8.8 earthquake hit central Chile. Tremors from that quake went as far as 300 miles to Santiago, its capital. I have relatives in Chile and I have checked with my cousin who reported that thankfully they are fine. ASOCH was pleased to report that the deaf community in Santiago likewise was fine. However, the deaf communities in the region of Maule and Bio Bio where the earthquake hit are in dire need of assistance. They need food, water, telecommunications devices, clothes, and so on. ASOCH would appreciate your donations or help. For more information or to send a donation, go to www.asoch.cl.

Thank you for your support of the deaf people of Chile!

Saludos, americanos sordos, mi amigos y amigas. Sé que ha sido casi tres años desde mi poste pasado aquí. Había tomado un hiato de mi blogging por salud y razones personales. Estoy haciendo mucho mejor, gracias a mis amigos. Ahora tengo noticias urgentes a compartir con usted. Estoy recientemente en contacto con la asociación del sordo de Chile (llamado Asociación de los Sordos de Chile - ASOCH), que me informó las necesidades de las comunidades sordas en Chile meridional. Pues la mayor parte de usted es ya consciente, un terremoto de gran alcance 8.8 golpeó Chile central. Los temblores de ese temblor fueron hasta 300 millas a Santiago, su capital. Tengo parientes en Chile y he comprobado con mi primo que divulgó que están agradecidamente muy bien. ASOCH estuvo satisfecho para divulgar que la comunidad sorda en Santiago estaba además muy bien. Sin embargo, las comunidades sordas en la región de Maule y Bio Bio donde está el golpe del terremoto en la extrema necesidad de la ayuda. Necesitan el alimento, agua, dispositivos de las telecomunicaciones, ropa, y así sucesivamente. ASOCH apreciaría sus donaciones o ayudaría. Para más información o enviar una donación, vaya a www.asoch.cl.

¡Gracias por su ayuda de los sordos de Chile!