Wednesday, March 10, 2010

"Fuerza Sordos"

Letter by ASOCH
(English translation provided below)

Estimados Amigos y Amigas

Como muchos de Ustedes saben hay una caravana solidaria de sordos "Fuerza Sordos", entregando ayuda a las familias de personas sordas del sur.

Dia a dia envian reportes y algunas fotos, han recorrido muchas ciudades, Rancagua, Curico, Talca, Chillan, Parral, Hualpen, Coronel, Lota, Tome, Talcahuano, Concepcion. Han descansado en casas de sordos, colegios, regimientos o donde los pille el toque de queda. Han tenido vivir las replicas algunas noches incluso cada 15 minutos. Han visto mucha destruccion y sufimiento, hay confirmado 10 casas de sordos totalmente destruidas, 16 casas de sordos con graves daños (aun falta catastro de concepcion), una de los peores problemas es la falta de agua en talcahuano, donde encontraron sordos con varios dias sin tomar agua, ni comer, el olor es insoportable.

Queridos amigos no podemos descansar mientras exista este sufimiento, en Santiago y hacia el norte las cosas se han normalizado veo los mall con gente comprando tranquilamente, no olvidemos a los que sufren.

Seguiremos recibiendo ayuda, alimentos, articulos de aseo personal, agua, pañales, toallas higienicas, pasta de dientes, cepillos, remedios, mascarillas, medicinas. etc etc

La Asociacion de Sordos de Chile ha abierto una cuenta de ayuda exclusivamente para los sordos damnificados del sur, esperamos vuestro aporte, muchas gracias.

Dear friends,

As many of you may already know, La Caravana Solidaria "Fuerza Sordos" (The Solidarity Group "the Deaf People Force") was created to give aid to the families of deaf people of the south. Day to day they send reports and some photos, have crossed many cities, Rancagua, Curico, Talca, Scream, Parral, Hualpen, Colonel, Burbot, Takes, Talcahuano, Conception. They have rested in houses of deaf people, schools, evacuation centers or where they could find accommodation for the time being. Every 15 minutes some deaf people have had to relive the repeat of some nights. They have seen much destruction and suffering. It was confirmed that 10 houses of deaf people were totally destroyed, 16 houses of other deaf people are seriously damaged (Concepcion lacks an office of land registry). One of the worse problems is the lack of water in Talcahuano, where they found deaf people who were hungry and dehydrated for several days without water nor food to eat. The scent (from the destruction caused by the tsunami) is unbearable. Beloved friends, we cannot rest while this suffering exists. In Santiago and around in the north things have been normalized. I see malls filled with people buying calmly. Let's not forget those who are suffering. We will continue to seek aid, food, articles of personal cleanliness, water, diapers, hygienic towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, remedies, masks, medicines. etc etc. ASOCH has opened an account of aid exclusively for the deaf earthquake victims of the south. We wait for your contribution. Thank you very much.

Saludos Cordiales

Gustavo Vergara
Secretario General

Editor's note: the bank account and full addresses are provided in the previous post.

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