Sunday, May 23, 2010

Uncle Toms of Today

Political Cartoon of the Week
This Other Irish Deaf Cartoonist pokes fun at Mike McConnell's post "Deafhood? No Thanks."
(Click on the picture to enlarge.)

 For those of you who aren't familiar with the work by hearing cartoonist Tom Tomorrow, see his website, This Modern World.


(e said...
This comment has been removed by the author. said...

E, you wrote something I had noticed earlier today but hadn't time to respond to. Then you deleted your own comment. (I wonder how you'd do that?) Nevertheless, I'll respond to your comment. You wondered whether i was politically incorrect for an African-American student to be majoring in "Black" Studies. Let you know there are several colleges and universities that do have Black Studies. CSUSB - California State University, Santa Barbara - is one example. Furthermore, Bristol is in the U.K. I think I see why you deleted your own comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Would be even funnier if he was black himself. said...


Hmm? The real Mike McConnell in this world is white. The parallel Mike McConnell in this comic strip is black.

Don G. said...

Spot on, Dan!