Dear Irving King Jordan and Jane Kelleher Fernandes,
I am deeply disappointed in the actions that were undertaken at the MSSD/Brentwood gates in the Administration's attempt to move the protestors. I remember the MSSD gates fondly, which I used many times when I lived at MSSD. The order of a bulldozer to push students at my high school is very,very deplorable. According to what I was told, three students were injured. One student's foot was seriously cut and blood was shed on MSSD campus. You have besmirched the memory of MSSD forever!
I do not agree with all the actions of the protestors, nor do I think they were in the best of the interests for the FSSA. But you have called all the protestors, which include MSSD alumni, "terrorists." As a grandson of a diplomat, I find this very unacceptable and uncalled for. You have slandered and tarnished our school.
With all the power that I have, with my family name that I will use, I will contact my Congressman and request for a Congressional investigation into your actions at the MSSD/Brentwood gates, on property of our old home. You better prepare to answer yourself before Congress.
This is the last straw. Gloves are off.
Dan McClintock
artist, writer
grandson of the Honorable Robert McClintock
cc: the GUFSSA, MSSD Alumnis
Deaf Anthology - Polar Plunge
3 years ago
Thank you and please do it! Time is NOW!
Hi, deaf advocate, I just wrote letters to Senator Tom McClintock (no relation) and to Senator Tom Harkin, who had a deaf brother. I will post their replies if I receive them.
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